How to tell if my clothes are eco-friendly?

How to tell if my clothes are eco-friendly?

In all the media we are filled with information about ecological clothing (that is, less polluting) and replacing those that are not, but…

How do I know if my clothes are ecological? What if you already have ecological clothes and you didn’t even know it? It is very easy to find out the origin of your entire closet, just check the labels, but if you have already thrown them away, sometimes there may also be some relevant information on the label; Look for the composition of the fabric to be in its highest percentage (80%-90%) of natural fibers, for example: 100% cotton, 100% linen; However, the more mixtures there are of their percentages, obviously the organic nature of your garment begins to decrease, (50% cotton-50% polyester).

Also get advice when buying and ask what your garment is made of, now there are a variety of ecological materials apart from those of natural origin, what many companies are doing is recycling bottles, plastics and meshes that go to water sources, and giving them a second life by processing them into textiles, which can be mixtures of natural and recycled fibers. Generally these are attributes that stand out a lot, so you can identify:

Raw Materials:

  • Cotton and recycled polyester
  • Recycled PET bottles
  • Reused fabrics
  • Textile waste


It is essential to take into account the phases and processes that were carried out to make your clothes, as well as their characteristics. I give you some points to consider:

  • Mass productions
  • Chemical substances to make fabrics
  • Pretreatment
  • Had
  • Print
  • Finishes
  • Water consumption
  • Durability
  • Endurance
  • Labor rights
  • Environmental responsibility

Generally, ecological garments are made without colors or dyed with natural plant-based pigments, as we personalize at Nahual. Be very detailed even in the way the products are presented to you. If the packaging is biodegradable, for example, there are some bags created with corn. , with recycled plastic and reused boxes or boxes made from cane, recycled papers, among others.

Truly eco-friendly brands tend to be very transparent in the way they show their internal processes, you can recognize at first glance when there is an environmental and social interest; Learn to consume consciously and value the efforts and hours of testing that we often do not see behind a product.

Thank you for coming this far, follow us for more information on our social networks Facebook and Instagram @nahualeco.com

Greetings! Vero

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