15 Reasons to prefer handmade products

15 Reasons to prefer handmade products

I start by reminding you that in reality the famous handmade has existed since ancient times, although lately this term has become more popular both on social networks and in commercial brands; and it basically means creating something by hand, a job without the help of automated processes; And years ago, people dedicated to this work were called artisans; they were generally related to pottery, weaving, carpentry and crafts in general. Currently these are tasks that are being rescued from those expert grandparents and indigenous communities, putting them into practice with modern aids, but seeking to preserve their essence.

So why are HANDMADE OR CRAFT-MADE products valuable?

1) Because they are generally unique and original products.
2) They are made of the highest quality materials.
3) They are ethical and ecological.
4) Generates employment at the local level.
5) You support the economic growth of a region.
6) Offers you a better shopping experience.
7) They are more personalized products.
8) They keep ancestral traditions alive.
9) Their process is transparent.
10) You are consuming responsibly.
11) You acquire a differentiating touch.
12) You know who was the author of your craft or craft.
13) You are automatically part of sustainability.
14) Fair price, it is so elaborate that it deserves it.
15) You preserve human and labor rights.

After knowing this, do you need more reasons to support it? Each creator of any artisanal work takes meticulous care of the entire creation and production process from start to finish, which is why it is guaranteed that when you buy a product you are investing in quality, identity, emotions , passion and hours of trial-error; We invite you to look in your community, the neighbor who sells his vegetables, the baker on the corner, the hairdresser, the artist on your block; I’m sure you already know that in your immediate environment you have all the resources, so why not help each other?

We need each other to grow, support Handmade, buy local, buy Colombian!

Thank you for coming this far, don’t forget to leave us your comments below.
Follow us for more information on our social networks Facebook and Instagram @nahualeco.com

Greetings, Vero.

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