What is a capsule wardrobe and how to create one?

What is a capsule wardrobe and how to create one

This is a concept that has become fashionable on social networks, for being adaptable to various lifestyles and pockets; That’s why today we explain to you what a capsule closet is and how to start creating it?

The Capsule Wardrobe is a term invented in the 70s by Londoner Susie Faux, owner of a boutique called Wardrobe. According to her, a capsule wardrobe was a small selection of basic garments that could be worn at any time and combined with other fashionable garments. seasonal, the intention was to achieve complete looks with just a few pieces and avoid excessive amounts of meaningless clothing purchases. Having a capsule closet is about having a more organized and simple dressing style, creating a personal stamp and being aware of the purchasing processes; In this type of wardrobe, order and the way of consumption are fundamental.


This is intended to save money on unnecessary clothing purchases, and give all possible combinations to those basic garments without necessarily leaving the ones you have in your closet, the objective is to simplify and use each garment you now have in different ways. In addition to practicality, we cannot ignore the fact that a cala closet reduces waste and packaging due to excess textile production, it is a winning decision no matter how you look at it.


You can start by having the following key items:

  • A jacket
  • A skirt
  • a pair of pants
  • A blouse
  • A coat
  • A simple dress and a party dress
  • A sweater
  • A pair of shoes
  • Socks
  • Accessories such as a bag, belt, gloves and jewelry


It’s simpler than you think that the term doesn’t scare you, just delve thoughtfully into what you have, detach yourself from what you don’t use, and complement what you feel you’re lacking. I leave you some simple steps, which I followed myself when I took this path of simplifying my closet.


With this comes the most difficult part, the selection, you must be very conscious and objective, also check every corner of your closet and remove those clothes that you definitely never wear, the failed gifts, the stained, extremely worn or torn clothes, the clothes that definitely your size and those “suddenly for such an occasion” but that you will never actually wear.


Investigate without pressure how you would like to see yourself, what have been those clothes that you have always wanted to wear or those that you already have and are your favorites, browse all the styles; hippie, urban, classic, elegant, sport; You have thousands of options and combinations too, delve seriously into the topic, search for ideas on Pinterest, for example, from clothing to complete outfits with everything and accessories until you arrive at the one that you identify with, giving it your own stamp, and at the moment Make sure you feel prepared, take action!


Choose the clothes that you will actually wear, there are no numbers or quantities that matter, this is a personal process without rules, the important thing is that you keep basic clothes that will serve you at all times, choose what you need, that is of good quality. quality and above all functional.


This process is sometimes made difficult by our attachments to clothes or memories of certain moments wearing them, or who gave them to us, but it is you who decides what stays and what goes, making it an exercise in getting rid of what is unnecessary beyond making you feel bad or sad.


After trying everything on, it is essential that you have the essentials, that it looks organized and also simplifies the way you dress, take out all those clothes that you definitely decided will no longer accompany you. Now what to do with all those clothes? And I make you an invitation, donate it to a person who you know will give you a second chance, there are many people in need of what you have forgotten…


It’s time to review your options. If you think you were missing a basic piece, or you didn’t have any of the aforementioned key pieces that you will need for the new style you chose, take on the task of looking for brands that will support you in your new style. closet and life; There are many timeless and ecological options, because this big step you take is also reflected in the environment. I advise you to look for neutral, basic colors or garments adaptable to various occasions of use. At Nahual we can help you complement your new capsule wardrobe. Visit us when you want at nahualeco.com

  • You will create your own and authentic style.
  • You will save a lot of time because you will not have to think so much to choose.
  • Your pocket will be greatly benefited by buying less and buying quality.
  • You will have endless options to create your looks by combining the garments.
  • You will be more conscious when consuming.
  • You will build a more organized lifestyle.
  • You will help the planet and contribute to not polluting it so much.
  • You will help other people who need it.

Thank you for getting this far, I hope it helps you and encourages you to try it, you will see that you will feel better about yourself and the planet. Follow us for more information on our social networks Facebook and Instagram @nahualeco.com

With love Vero 💚

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