What do I do with the clothes I no longer use? (10 easy ideas)

What do I do with the clothes I no longer use

After the end of the year, due to the typical Christmas shopping, you may have been a little late, you have not cleaned your closet or you have a bag full of clothes that you will no longer wear stored in the San Alejo room, why not? You know what to do with it, that’s why today I bring you some ideas so that you don’t accumulate and give correct use to those clothes that have already completed their cycle, so as not to add more garbage to the world, don’t you think?

  1. The first option will always be to donate:

It’s great to be able to help other people and easier when it doesn’t take any effort; always choose clothes in the best condition, no tears or stains; If you left them it was because you no longer want to use them. There are many people who do not have a way to acquire the clothes that you can give them, try to look for people that you already know or know who will surely use them to prevent them from wasting them, incredible but it happens…

  1. Customize:

If you think about it, maybe you can give another life to that garment, maybe when you bought it or it was given to you you didn’t like it that much but by giving it your own touch you can make it your favorite, there are so many options, patches, fringes, adding an accessory or rhinestones, make a cut, an updo, dye it, don’t limit yourself, make it your own!

  1. Create other clothes:

Many times we have garments that at first glance are not so striking and here customization can come into play, but it can be by simplifying, for example a dress from which we can remove the sleeves or the entire upper part and turn it into a skirt, cut the boots from a pair of pants to create a short; You can also create pockets for other clothes, there are no rules here, only your creativity and tastes matter.

  1. Exchange your clothes:

This can be the perfect opportunity to create even a complete closet with your friends, each one can look for several clothes that they no longer use and exchange tastes, it is ideal to create a pleasant space and give another cycle to the clothes that they will not use .

  1. Sell to second-hand stores:

This can also be an excellent option to recover a part of what you once invested in those clothes or win over those that were failed gifts, those clothes that are new or almost new may be of interest to other people, you can search Instagram for stores second-hand that can buy your clothes and buy you some basics that you may be missing at an excellent price.

  1. Create costumes or toys:

The idea is that you can reuse everything you don’t use, sometimes the clothes may have frays, stains or holes so here you can give free rein to what you want to achieve, from scraps you can create your own costumes, accessories, scarves, masks; Also, if you have children or pets nearby with just a few pieces, you can create a whole experience for them, assembling fabric dolls, stuffing them with the same fabric, making wooden horses, clothes for their dolls, the options are endless.

  1. Cloth bags:

I may get intense about cloth bags, because it’s something I mention a lot, but it can actually help the planet significantly; With some t-shirts you can make your market bags and thus avoid buying another bag, which are almost always unnecessary for fruits and vegetables, they are single-use and apparently created only to contaminate.

  1. Gift packaging:

The obvious conditions of the planet force us to look for alternatives to the harmful ones that we already had and one of them is to wrap gifts with fabric and that may be better than doing it with a scrap of a garment that you no longer use, you can get inspiration from Pinterest or Google looking for a technique called Furoshiki in which various shapes and knots are integrated to create original and ecological packaging, which is what we want.

  1. Cushion covers:

This is an excellent idea because we do not need great sewing skills, nor does it require a lot of time and you can even combine several fabrics from your clothes and create plain, hand-painted, or patchwork cushions for your living room or even for your pet, Just measure your cushions and from rectangles you can give your house a totally different decoration.

  1. Tissues for the kitchen:

I think this is the last option taught and used by grandmothers who knew how to take advantage of everything, and for some people it can be unsightly, you have to give it a bit of a clear presentation, not just a piece of manga in your kitchen, cut out squares of the widest part of your garment and if you have a way to polish the edges much better, it doesn’t have to be something ugly or unpleasant, it all depends on you.

Taking care of the planet should not be boring or tedious, as you can see there are many fun ways to give other uses to what we already have at our disposal, we can create with the resources that are already available and that at the time had a process, so to to repeat it; Let’s minimize the abuse of unnecessary purchases, cultivate creativity and of course live consciously.

Thank you for coming this far, with love Vero.

Tell me below if you have already done any of these ideas. Which other one could you share with us?

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