To buy or not to buy Black Friday?

To buy or not to buy on Black Friday

Let’s start by defining, what is the so-called Black Friday or black Friday?

Essentially it is the day on which Christmas shopping begins, with large and “supposed” sales, after Thanksgiving in the United States and as a complement, Cyber Monday was also created for online transactions, it began in this country and has now been extended. spread throughout the world.

After this clarification, should we consume it or not these days? It’s not really that the sales strategy is good or bad, the problem is that we have taken it aggressively, going to extremes, since the majority of consumers buy just to buy. , triggering massive production and consequently thousands of waste and packaging that affect the planet, the real value of the products is lost and generates terrible working conditions for those who produce them; Think a little, if you buy it almost as a gift, imagine how much the labor was paid; and you will say, but I am not to blame for that, and in fact you are not, instead you are supporting and encouraging it to continue every year; Likewise, many deaths have been recorded because of this, I know you have seen how people rush into stores, irrationally grabbing the first thing they find, without even realizing what it is, this consumerism totally excludes small local producers and It encourages imports from other countries and low quality, and don’t expect to find excellent and “gifted” items, I put in quotes, because what several brands are doing is placing the supposedly reduced price, however it is the same as always and you are falling in that deceptive game of false discounts.

In this case, if the saying “they don’t give that much of that good thing” works, try to measure yourself, it’s not that you don’t buy, you can intelligently review what a discount really applies to and if sometimes they are 70% or 80%, doubt it; Think about it, would you work for 20% of your salary? I don’t think so, so try to be more conscious when buying and don’t worry so much, there are sales all year round in all brands, learn to identify them, when there are collection changes, birthdays or some special day, don’t let yourself be Carried away by collective fever, sometimes cheap is expensive.

I invite you to support local brands, which have a sentimental and artisanal value, you know who made them, and they have a long useful life due to the care in their details, buy from them also on their sales days, you are getting that product of high quality that you wanted before, but more affordable for you on a specific date, in the same way you contribute by taking care of the planet and your personal finances by investing responsibly. This will always be a topic of debate and we do not want to demonize it, as you know everything has its advantages and disadvantages, it is your decision to opt for the best side of the coin.

Thank you for reading me, I hope I have expanded your perspective on this topic.

Greetings!!! Vero

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