Experience personalized eco friendly clothing

Experience personalized eco friendly clothing

Currently we find so many options for clothing on the market, however sometimes we even feel uniformed because we end up wearing the same trendy clothes, so now it has become a necessity to find personalized ecological clothing, not only differentiating options but in some way positively impact the environment.

Customization allows you to create garments that reflect your unique style and personality, making you feel even more comfortable and confident in your outfits. But what about the sustainability and environmental impact of personalized fashion? On this occasion, we will talk about the importance of customizing ecological clothing and how it can help reduce environmental impact.

Why is personalized clothing ecofriendly?

Customized clothing can reduce environmental impact, because it is being produced on a low scale, which in turn reduces the amount of textile waste and the resources for its production. It also means that the garments are designed specifically for you and can therefore be easily adjusted to your needs.

By customizing your clothes, you not only create a unique piece, but you also reduce the risk of buying clothes that you don’t need or won’t like in the long term. Fast fashion often leads us to buy clothes on impulse, but they are not practical, adaptable to our lifestyle or sustainable over time. That is why we invite you to know our proposal…

Experience personalized garments

Top made of linen and natural dyes

At Nahual, we strive to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainability. That is why we offer the option of customizing the color of the garments in our catalog, modifying them according to your tastes and needs, through ancient techniques of artisanal dyeing and botanical printing with leaves, flowers, seeds and clays; Extracted slowly, with natural designs that give each piece a unique and timeless style.

In addition, we use raw materials and supplies of plant origin to create your exclusive garments, such as linen, cotton and coconut or wood buttons. By choosing these materials, we are reducing the amount of resources and substituting materials in a sustainable way.

How do I order my personalized garment?

The simple process, you choose your favorite garment from our catalog, the size and the available color in which you want us to personalize it, the process will take us about two weeks to create it, because as we have explained, the colors of the plants must be extracted slowly, then we can send it to you; This way you can show off an exclusive piece made by artisans from Eastern Antioquia. We invite you to create your personalized clothing here.

Natural dyes

By supporting initiatives like these, you help rescue ancestral knowledge that has been forgotten, you give value to handmade work and you are part of the Slow fashion revolution. Experience our personalized ecological clothing here, to live the wisdom of plants and their color consciously.

Thank you for coming this far, follow us for more information on our social networks Facebook and Instagram @nahualeco.com

Greetings! Vero

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